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About Us
As the largest and oldest non-profit serving these children, our approach is holistic; we aim to integrate our students into mainstream society by providing them with healthcare, education, skill development and support services.
We support our students in all spheres of their lives, from helping them perform even the basic day to day activities like feeding, sitting, walking, going to the toilet, learning to read and write to even obtaining employment.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
One in every 50 people in India is affected by intellectual & developmental disability (IDD) and 76% of our children with intellectual disability come from the lower economic strata. Due to financial constraints and social taboos, many of these children are abandoned, abused or simply ignored. With your support, Sharda Trust is able to give these children and their families the help they desperately need to live a fulfilling life.
One in every 50 people in India is affected by intellectual & developmental disability (IDD) and 76% of our children with intellectual disability come from the lower economic strata. Due to financial constraints and social taboos, many of these children are abandoned, abused or simply ignored. With your support, Sharda Trust is able to give these children and their families the help they desperately need to live a fulfilling life.
One in every 50 people in India is affected by intellectual & developmental disability (IDD) and 76% of our children with intellectual disability come from the lower economic strata. Due to financial constraints and social taboos, many of these children are abandoned, abused or simply ignored. With your support, Sharda Trust is able to give these children and their families the help they desperately need to live a fulfilling life.
One in every 50 people in India is affected by intellectual & developmental disability (IDD) and 76% of our children with intellectual disability come from the lower economic strata. Due to financial constraints and social taboos, many of these children are abandoned, abused or simply ignored. With your support, Sharda Trust is able to give these children and their families the help they desperately need to live a fulfilling life.
One in every 50 people in India is affected by intellectual & developmental disability (IDD) and 76% of our children with intellectual disability come from the lower economic strata. Due to financial constraints and social taboos, many of these children are abandoned, abused or simply ignored. With your support, Sharda Trust is able to give these children and their families the help they desperately need to live a fulfilling life.
One in every 50 people in India is affected by intellectual & developmental disability (IDD) and 76% of our children with intellectual disability come from the lower economic strata. Due to financial constraints and social taboos, many of these children are abandoned, abused or simply ignored. With your support, Sharda Trust is able to give these children and their families the help they desperately need to live a fulfilling life.
One in every 50 people in India is affected by intellectual & developmental disability (IDD) and 76% of our children with intellectual disability come from the lower economic strata. Due to financial constraints and social taboos, many of these children are abandoned, abused or simply ignored. With your support, Sharda Trust is able to give these children and their families the help they desperately need to live a fulfilling life.
Our Initiatives
Manoj Kelkar
Project Maneger
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Ashleigh Davila
Right Choice
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